

Life?, la marque de Ted Van Orman qui est distribuée en France par Banos, nous offre régulièrement de belles photos et vidéos. Ci-dessus la dernière vidéo qui est vraiment sympa, et quelques photos (un des fameux poster Life?, Ted à Banos, Adam Baker par Ted). Life? Banos
Life?, the brand of Ted Van Orman that is distirbuted by "Banos" in France; often offers to us some photos and videos from trail riding. Below this is the lastestvideo which is really nice and a couple of photos (Life? poster, Ted at Banos' trail, Adam Baker by Ted). Life? Banos

Create to Flow- Life? from Lifewithaquestionmark on Vimeo.

2 commentaires:

TBVO a dit…

Thanks for posting!

DirtySyl a dit…

you're welcome mate, I really like Life? stuff so it's normal to post some news !!